
Marketing agency: what does it do? 5 activities that make it stand out

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If you own a business, relying on a marketing agency can prove to be a smart move. In fact, an agency’s role is to develop and implement effective marketing strategies that attract new customers while retaining existing ones.

What, however, makes a marketing agency worthy of your attention? Find out!

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What is a marketing agency

A marketing agency is a company specialized in market research, advertising, branding, public relations (PR), press office, digital marketing and strategic marketing.

Within a marketing agency, every choice is data driven and geared toward achieving the client’s revenue goals, the infamous ROI or return on investment.

A ‘good’ marketing agency, therefore, will be able to analyze in depth the target field where your business operates, be able to tell you who the competitors are, what the ideal target audience is, and what actions need to be taken to distinguish the products/services you sell within today’s market. In addition, a good marketing agency will also tell you how to keep up with emerging trends.

For example, he will know how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to devise and implement web marketing strategies.

web marketing

What is web marketing?

Web marketing is that set of strategies, techniques and tools aimed at promoting services, products and brands online. It’s a form of digital marketing capable of intercepting new leads (or, if you prefer, potential customers) to push them to purchase, to ‘convert’ them.

The main activities of web marketing are:

Web marketing – it should be remembered – allows you to reach a large audience at relatively low cost, when compared to traditional media. In addition, it allows ROI to be accurately measured and strategies to be modified in real time in order to achieve more convincing results.

Why a marketing agency can launch your business

Using a marketing agency offers countless benefits and will literally allow you to launch your business. Let’s see why.

1. More visibility online

Through combined SEO and SEM techniques, a marketing agency can give you more visibility. More people see your site, more likely you are to gain new customers and sell your products/services.

2. Greater involvement

Social media is a key component of today’s web marketing. An experienced marketing agency cannot fail to create content that resonates with the audience. For example, a well-orchestrated social campaign can increase engagement, ensuring brand loyalty.

3. Quality leads

Thorough data analysis, followed by the implementation of cross-selling techniques, can help you convert users into paying customers. This can include optimizing landing pages, implementing additional sales channels and customizing the UX.

4. Good reputation

Another aspect that should not be underestimated is web reputation. By monitoring and responding to reviews, managing ‘crises’ on social media and promoting positive content a marketing agency ensures that the brand maintains a good reputation.

What does a marketing agency do?

Let’s give some examples!

Imagine you own a local craft micro-business. With the help of a marketing agency, you open yourself up to the world of e-commerce. Not only that. The agency develops a marketing strategy for you that includes:

Within a few months, you’ll start getting thousands of clicks and sales will take off.

Imagine now that you are a tech startup and launching a new product. Agency will create promotional videos for you to upload to YouTube, articles for industry publications and blogs and webinars. The one described here is a form of marketing mix that will not only increase your brand awareness but also provide you with a loyal customer base.

What professionals work in a marketing agency?

Within a marketing agency, as in a ‘workshop’, different workers work. Marketing professionals are:

Each of them is a piece of a much larger puzzle.

3 steps of digital marketing

Typically, a marketing agency follows a 3-step process:

1. Preliminary analysis

In this first phase, called preliminary analysis, marketers gather information deemed essential to identify the target industry and target audience, as well as competitors. It takes place through listening to the customer and comparing their needs with those of the market.

2. Strategy design

We proceed with the creation of buyer personas (ideal customers to whom to pitch products/services) and develop an ad hoc marketing plan, defining medium-long term goals, consistent with the company’s mission.

3. Coordination and results check

One makes sure that all collaborators are aligned with what has been established and moves on to the actual operational phase. Only then will periodic monitoring and analysis of results (KPIs) take place. Goal is to create value for the customer, to attract and retain consumers over time.

Choose Moka Adv, marketing strategies serving winning ideas

Remember: ‘advertising’ is not marketing. Marketing is much more: it’s analysis, estro, planning and implementation with performance evaluation.

In our agency we do all this and more. We have high positioning. We boast a team of experts ranging from SEO to SEM, visual brand identity to video marketing. Contact us!

To learn more write to us on WhatsApp, fill out the contact form, or call us at +390950935481.

Moka Adv: marketing strategies serving winning ideas

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